Welcome, and thank you for visiting Bethesda Church leeds, 
Pentecostal Missionary Centre

Fulfilling the Great Commission for God's Kingdom

visit us
As a pastor of Bethesda church Leeds, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our weekly services which take place every Sundays from 1pm to 3:30pm. We are currently meeting at 28a Highfield Avenue, LS12 4BU Leeds. You will have the opportunity to learn more about God and Christianity. Please feel free to visit us.
About Us
On 03/ 11/ 2007, our current senior Pastor( Pepe Zola) also known as a chair man decided to establish Bethesda Church Leeds as a local Church as well as a Charity. The initial idea was to encourage local people to provide support to those in need and to teach the words of God. A sense of community was quickly established as a key component in the organisation.
Bethesda Church Leeds was developed out of a desire to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Since its inception, we have worked hard to provide support where it's most needed.Our team relies exclusively on volunteer help. And remember, a little often goes a long way. We're always happy to welcome new member who would like to dedicate some of their time to church. If you'd like to lend a hand, please don't hesitate to contact us, new members are always welcome.
Our aim
Our aim is to let people know a bout the Eternal life and the existence of Hell. The one who physically dies in sins without accepting Christ is hopelessly and eternally lost in the lake of fire and, therefore , has no further opportunity of hearing the gospel or repenting. The Lake of fire is literal. The terms ''eternal'' and ''everlsting'', used in describing the duration of the punishment of the damned in the lake of fire, carry the same thought and meaning of endless existence as used in denoting the duration of joy and ecstasy of saints in the presence of God.( Heb 9:27; Rev 19:20).

1. God There is one God, who exists eternally in three distinct but equal persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is unchangeable in his holiness, justice, wisdom and love. He is the almighty Creator; Saviour and Judge who sustains and governs all things according to his sovereign will for his own glory.

2. The Bible God has revealed himself in the Bible, which consists of the Old and New Testaments alone. Every word was inspired by God through human authors, so that the Bible as originally given is in its entirety the Word of God, without error and fully reliable in fact and doctrine. The Bible alone speaks with final authority and is always sufficient for all matters of belief and practice.

3. The Human Race All men and women, being created in the image of God, have inherent and equal dignity and worth. Their greatest purpose is to obey, worship and love God. As a result of the fall of our first parents, every aspect of human nature has been corrupted and all men and women are without spiritual life, guilty sinners and hostile to God. Every person is therefore under the just condemnation of God and needs to be born again, forgiven and reconciled to God in order to know and please him.

4. The Lord Jesus Christ The Lord Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life in obedience to the Father. He taught with authority and all his words are true. On the cross he died in the place of sinners, bearing God’s punishment for their sin, redeeming them by his blood. He rose from the dead and in his resurrection, body ascended into heaven where he is exalted as Lord of all. He intercedes for his people in the presence of the Father.

5. Salvation Salvation is entirely a work of God’s grace and cannot be earned or deserved. It has been accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ and is offered to all in the gospel. God in his love forgives sinners whom he calls, granting them repentance and faith. All who believe in Christ are justified by faith alone, adopted into the family of God and receive eternal life.6. 

The Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit has been sent from heaven to glorify Christ and to apply his work of salvation. He convicts sinners, imparts spiritual life and gives a true understanding of the Scriptures. He indwells all believers, brings assurance of salvation and produces increasing likeness to Christ. He builds up the Church and empowers its members for worship, service ,speaking new tongues and mission.

7. The Church The universal Church is the body of which Christ is the head and to which all who are saved belong. It is made visible in local churches, which are congregations of believers who are committed to each other for the worship of God, the preaching of the Word, the administering of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; for pastoral care and discipline, and for evangelism. The unity of the body of Christ is expressed within and between churches by mutual love, care and encouragement. True fellowship between churches exists only where they are faithful to the gospel.

8. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper Baptism and the Lord’s Supper have been given to the churches by Christ as visible signs of the gospel. Baptism is a symbol of union with Christ and entry into his Church but does not impart spiritual life. The Lord’s Supper is a commemoration of Christ’s sacrifice offered once for all and involves no change in the bread and wine. All its blessings are received by faith. 

9. The Future The Lord Jesus Christ will return in glory. He will raise the dead and judge the world in righteousness. The wicked will be sent to eternal punishment and the righteous will be welcomed into a life of eternal joy in fellowship with God. God will make all things new and will be glorified forever. 



Our God is one, but manifested in three persons the Father, the Son and the Holly Spirit, being co-equal. ( Phil 2:6) The Son is the word , flesh covered, the one begotten, and has existed with the Father from the beginning. ( John 1:14; John 1:18; John 1:1).  The Holly Spirit proceeds forth from both the Father and the Son and is eternal. ( John 15:26).



Healing is for the physical ills of the human body and is wrought by the power of God through the faith and prayer and by the laying on of hands It is provided for in the atonement of Christ, and is the privilege of every member of the church today. ( James 5:14-15; Mark 16:18; Isa 53:4-5; Matt 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24)



The Bible is the inspired word of God, the product of holly men of old who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the holly spirit. The new convenient, as record in the new Testament, we accept our infallible guide in matters pertaining to conduct and doctrine. (2 Tim 3:15; 1 Thess 2:13; 2 Peter 1:21)



The angels said to Jesus' disciples,''... this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as yet have seen Him go into heaven''. His coming in imminent. When He cme'' ... the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. ( Acts 1: 11;1 Thess 4:16-17). Following the Tribulation, He shall return to earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and together with His saints, who shall be Kings and priests, He shall reign a thousand years.     ( Rev 20:6).

  • 28 Highfield Avenue, Leeds, UK
  • LS12 4BU